As one of the greenest and most efficient modes of transport on land, rail has a unique position in contributing to a more sustainable economy and the decarbonization of the overall transportation sector. Due to its lower greenhouse gas emissions and low rates of energy consumption, freight rail transportation can play an important future role in mitigating climate change.

Globaltrans has always been committed to conducting business in an environmentally responsible manner. We recognise the potential for our operations to impact the environment, particularly in the form of greenhouse gas emissions. The Group is committed to minimising the environmental impact of its activities, recognising its responsibility to protect the environment for the communities it serves, its stakeholders and society as a whole. To this end, we focus not just on controlling emissions but also on issues like energy efficiency, water management, and waste recycling.

The Group is fully compliant with all applicable environmental laws, industry regulations and requirements, and we continually seek to improve our environmental performance in order to stay compliant. Our overall environmental management approach is underpinned by the Group’s formal ESG and Environmental and Energy Policies and Green Office Initiative. These policies define our commitment to conduct our activities in an environmentally responsible way.

We are also promoting environmental awareness among our employees and suppliers and improving transparency for our investors. For this purpose, we disclose the Group’s environmental performance on a number of metrics consistent with external reporting frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”). Annual data and information on monitoring and progress are included in our ESG Databook and integrated sustainability reports, which are available in ESG Downloads.

To read the Group's TCFD report for 2023, please click here.

Last updated: 24.06.2024