As a specialist freight rail transportation group, we recognised from the very start that efficient route management would be vital to the success of our business. Over many years, we have built up a highly effective operational platform that is both reliable and flexible and guarantees our customers receive a best-in-class service. This in turn helps drive the profitability of our fleet.
Sophisticated logistics is a win-win solution
Our deep understanding of managing complex logistics is the key to our success. Effective route management provides “win-win” situations. It saves our clients time and money, improves offtake reliability and delivers productivity gains for the Group.
Industry leading operational efficiency
The hub of the Group’s centralised logistics system is a single dispatching centre, which works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It monitors every aspect of Globaltrans’ fleet, managing shipments and routes to maintain high levels of fleet utilisation and maximise efficiency, productivity and service quality. Globaltrans has consistently delivered industry-leading operational efficiency, with one of the lowest Empty Run Ratios for gondola cars across the sector.
Sizeable long-term Service Contracts
Globaltrans’ Service Contracts offer key clients tailored freight rail solutions that improve the speed and reliability of cargo offtake and reduce costs for the customer. The logistics of managing transportation between interconnected plants facilitates the efficient matching of inbound and outbound traffic thus minimising Empty Runs for Globaltrans’ gondola fleet.
Own locomotives drive improved delivery times
Globaltrans owns 63 mainline locomotives, which we mainly use in the transportation of liquid cargoes in “block trains” – trains where all the cargo on board is shipped from the same loading point to the same destination. Block train logistics enables effective transportation solutions for both the customer and Globaltrans. By combining cargoes, or having client-specific block trains, all bound for the same place, we remove the need for time-consuming coupling and decoupling of individual railcars at multiple sorting stations. This enables us to greatly increase our railcars’ average daily distance, thereby improving delivery times and rolling stock utilisation.
Powerful logistics platform
providing win-win solutions
Dispatching centre
One of the lowest Empty Run Ratios for gondola cars across the sector
63 locomotives
in ownership used for block train logistics
All information on this page is at 31 December 2024 or for 2024 unless otherwise stated.
Source: Globaltrans.