Rail is a green industry with low emissions

Commitment to sustainable business practices and development

Fuel consumption under control by maintaining an industry leading low level of Empty Runs

Board level ESG governance through a special ESG Committee

A wide range of ESG policies already in place

Transparent ESG reporting in line with GRI standards and TCFD recommendations



Share of women in the workforce


Gender Pay Gap (at non-managerial level)


Overall staff turnover improved


Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate


Total training hours


Decrease in total emissions (Scope 1 & Scope 2)


Our people are one of our biggest competitive advantages in the market. The hard work and outstanding performance of employees adds immense value and is instrumental to the Group's success. We manage employment and labour through comprehensive human resources strategies and policies.


We are committed to the principles of sustainable development and do our utmost to follow them. Our aim therefore is to develop our business and deliver a strong economic performance in a way that is environmentally friendly.


Creating long-term value for a wide range of stakeholders is a vital part of our business. Achieving a high level of economic performance allows us to invest in social and economic development as well as to improve the quality of life for local communities.


We continue to work diligently to ensure that our corporate governance framework meets the highest standards. The Board is committed to providing effective, transparent and ethical oversight of the Group so that the Board can take decisions that it believes benefit all stakeholders, promote the long-term interests of the Group and its communities, and create value.


Globaltrans understands that alongside financial results, non-financial results are also of great importance both to the Company and its stakeholders. Globaltrans takes seriously its social and environmental responsibilities and is committed to benefitting the communities where it operates as well as preventing potential damage to the community and environment as a result of its operations.


+971 2 877 4166



In order to meet regulatory and stakeholder expectations, Globaltrans is constantly improving its existing framework for non-financial risk management. The Group’s non-financial risks are comprised of strategic, operational and compliance risks. The internal regulations of the Group reflect its approach to managing non-financial risks. Measures taken by Globaltrans to control and mitigate such risks provide for the Group’s growth both in terms of its business value and its market positions. Read more on Globaltrans’ risk management.

To read the Group's TCFD report for 2023, please click here.

Last updated: 24.06.2024